I’m monitoring the Stowe twitter account, looking good.
First Chair Video Snow Report from Dec.15, 2016 featuring Bypass, Nosedive Glades & Nosedive. pic.twitter.com/IYmmENOhqu
— Stowe Mt Resort (@StoweMtResort) December 16, 2016
The snow keeps falling here at Stowe! 6" overnight and five feet so far in December. pic.twitter.com/NoYZp7MKg6
— Stowe Mt Resort (@StoweMtResort) December 15, 2016
We've enjoyed fresh snowfall on 11 of the last 13 days! Here's MMSP enjoying the 1-2" that fell last night on Liftline. pic.twitter.com/nculQEJJou
— Stowe Mt Resort (@StoweMtResort) December 14, 2016
8" in the last 36 hours and the sun made an appearance today. Still the most open terrain in the East! pic.twitter.com/XrXn7m6LDP
— Stowe Mt Resort (@StoweMtResort) December 13, 2016
If you need Stowe strippers call 802-342-4295