Vermont Ski Resorts Ready For Holiday Visits

Skiers and snowboarders would prefer that the storm that’s moving through the region be dumping snow, but those in the ski industry say today’s rain isn’t likely to impact the first big holiday weekend of the season.

Sarah Wojcik of Ski Vermont says the early winter storm forecasts caused a spike in reservations at Jay Peak this week and she says Stowe is reporting its strongest reservations ever for the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend.

Okemo Mountain opened for the season two weeks ago, and resort spokesperson Bonnie McPhearson said cold temperatures and a $1 million investment in snowmaking infrastructure have them in good shape for the Thanksgiving Weekend — despite Wednesday’s rain.

“This is a big weekend for us, with homeowners mostly. It’s that first weekend where they get away, they open the ski house, shake out the cobwebs and get ready for a big season ahead,” McPhearson said. “We’re not seeing many cancelations.  We’re seeing a very strong weekend ahead and we expect that people will just come anyway regardless of the weather.”

McPhearson said the good news is temperatures are expected to drop quickly Wednesday night. While she says Okemo has 25 trails open, they expect that to jump to 30 for the Thanksgiving weekend.


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